Advertising & Promotion Awards

The best advertising, promotion, packaging and
merchandising materials in the beverage industry today.



As consolidation continues to ripple through the beverage alcohol industry, particularly at the supplier and distributor tiers, sales of all beverage alcohol segments, including wine, beer and spirits, continue to trend up. This vitality is reflected in the dynamic merchandising and advertising of many high-profile products, which in turn helps to drive the growth. It’s no wonder that the 16th anniversary of the Beverage Dynamics Advertising & Promotion Awards competition once again proved to be provocative, and a challenge to the judges who were faced with having to decide among the best entries.

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The focused and well-researched investments that companies make in packaging, advertising, merchandising and promotion obviously play an important role in directing consumers toward certain brands. This is crucial, for even though consumers have been spending record amounts of money in our robust economy, competition among brands remains fierce. And nothing can appeal to consumers like a creative advertising campaign, fresh packaging and an innovative promotional program.




Our panel of judges — listed at the end of this article — included well-respected members of the advertising, marketing and design communities. They graciously gave of their time, experience and energy, and we’d like to acknowledge their participation. It wasn’t an easy task choosing the winners, especially in the many categories where there a number of exceptional entries. The following pages are meant to showcase those winners and the companies behind our industry’s best advertising, packaging, promotions and merchandising materials.

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