
More Winners

Each year, the Adams Beverage Group presents its Growth Brands awards to managers of the best-selling brands in the wine and spirits industry. Last issue, we spotlighted many of the winners who received their awards at the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America convention, and this month, we are happy to present others receiving embedded Lucite plaques recognizing their marketplace achievements during 2003. The Adams Growth Brand Award listings were published in this year’s May/June issue of Beverage Dynamics.


Adams sales rep Martin Tubridy presents Diageo’s Mark Breen, brand director, Jose Cuervo tequila, with the brand’s award.


Another Diageo brand director, Barry Sullivan of Baileys, receives the award at Diageo headquarters in Stamford from Adams’ Martin Tubridy.


Adams Beverage Group advertising sales director Tony Bongiovanni presents Tom Conte, vp, national sales director for Distillerie Stock, with the company’s Growth Brand plaque.


Kevin Martin, left, and Diane Litvak, right, of the Johnnie Walker brand team, receive the award for the brand from Adams’ Martin Tubridy.


Frederick Wildman president Richard Cacciato, on the right, receives the company’s award from Adams Beverage Group vp and publisher Charlie Forman.


Grand Marnier team members Siri Eklund, left, and Jean Christophe Terzaghi, right, receive their award from Adams’ Martin Tubridy at the headquarters of the former Schieffelin & Somerset.


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