Beer Heer!
When the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) held its 66th annual convention at the Paris and Bally’s Hotels in Las Vegas, NV in October, attendance records fell (about 3,200 wholesalers, brewers, and press observers were on hand). Despite the inevitability of flat 2003 sales, the trade show floor was crowded with marketers and distributors talking about old and new relationships and looking for good times in 2004. Adams Beverage Group was on hand to pass out its annual Beer Growth Brand Awards to the industry’s top performers. Here is a selection of those awards being presented to the happy brewers.
Dave Eickholt, President, Diageo-Guinness, and Charles Forman, Adams Beverage Group, flank other members of the Diageo-Guinness team. |
From left, Dave Perkins, President, Molson USA; Steve Breen, VP Marketing; Vinnie Prattico, VP, Sales; Geoff Molson, VP, Quality & Distributor Development. |
Greg Hardman, President, Warsteiner Importers; Tony Bongiovanni, Advertising Sales Director, Adams Beverage Group. |
Kevin J. Moodie, President, Scottish & Newcastle; Charles Forman, Publisher, Adams Beverage Group. |
Sean Higgins, VP & General Manager; Joe Dudek, VP, Northeast Division, Labatt USA. |
Peter Dadzis, Sr. VP, Heineken USA; Maarten G.M. Kruijtzer, National On-Premise Director. |