Powdered Alcohol Legalized by Federal Government

The company that makes Palcohol — powered, flavored alcohol — received federal approval yesterday to sell their product.

The decision is a significant step forward for Palcohol, which has been authorized, and then later denied approval, last spring Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Whether or not the product’s labels accurately reflected what Palcohol was at the basis of the government rethinking its position.

According to a CBSnews story, that issue has been resolved, leading to federal approval.

Some state legislators have already moved to ban the product, fearing that its flavoring may appeal to underage consumers. Since Palcohol is essentially just freeze-dried alcohol sold in pouches, there is also concern that this product may lead to easy or unintentional overdose.

Palcohol founder Mark Phillips has stated that the idea for the product came while he was hiking and camping, and wanted to enjoy alcohol without lugging around bulky, heavy bottles. With Wednesday’s announcement, his company expects Palcohol to hit shelves this summer.



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