Gnarly Head 1924 Double Black, Authentic Black

Gnarly Head has unveiled a lineup of dark red blends for fall season. This includes the new addition 1924 Double Black, and the return of Authentic Black.

Gnarly Head 1924 Double Black is a limited release, Prohibition-style dark red blend that pays homage to the family’s first vineyard plantings in 1924, the company says.

On the heels of the 2014 introduction of Petite Sirah-based Gnarly Head Authentic Black, 1924 Double Black, led by Zinfandel, delivers a dark, fruit-driven profile, the company says. The inaugural 2013 vintage of Gnarly Head 1924 Double Black ($11.99 per 750-ml. bottle) is shipping now and nationally available while supplies last.

Following a response from consumers on social media and in the market, Gnarly Head Authentic Black ($11.99 per 750-ml. bottle), which pre-sold all available limited release inventory in 30 days in 2014, is back as an ongoing year-round item.

According to Nielsen, in the competitive domestic $8-11.99 price segment, red blends are now the second largest wine type next to Chardonnay, and are driving dollar volume growth at 15 percent, versus a year ago. Leading growth in the red blend category, dark red blends are driving 65 percent of dollar volume growth in the domestic $8-11.99 red blend segment.


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