Forms Now Available for 2016 Ultimate Spirits and Wine Challenges

Think your company produces high-quality spirits or wine? Why not put them to the test through competition.

Ultimate Beverage Challenge LLC (UBC) has announced that entries are now being accepted for Ultimate Spirits Challenge 2016 (USC) and Ultimate Wine Challenge 2016 (UWC).

All entries in both USC and UWC are rated on a 100-point scale. Judging takes place at UBC’s Evaluation Center, located in Hawthorne, New York.

Ultimate Spirits Challenge

Spirits can be entered into USC here. The entree fee is $495 per individual spirit. Deadline for receipt of USC entry form, product and payment is February 26, 2016.

All Spirits entries are judged blind in small category flights by spirits experts from around the world, led by journalist, author and educator F. Paul Pacult.

Top scoring brands are awarded Chairman’s Trophies and finalist status in all categories, including brandy, whiskey, tequila, gin, vodka, rum, liqueurs, vermouth, soju, baijiu, ready-to-drink, bitters, amaro, etcetera.

This is also a cocktail component. Suitable products — such as gins, unflavored vodkas, tequilas, most rums, etc., in addition to being tasted straight —  are also evaluated in a category-relevant cocktail.

For products lacking an imported, USC will provide the necessary documentation for U.S. Customs.

image001Ultimate Wine Challenge

Wines can be entered into UWC here. The entree fee is $95 for each individual wine, with a deadline for receipt of UWC entry forms, products and payments of April 29, 2016

All Wine entries are judged blind in small category flights by wine authorities from across the globe, led again by Pacult.

Chairman’s Trophies and finalist status are awarded in more than 40 wine categories, including sake, fortified wine and cider.

As with the USC, the UWC will provide the necessary documentation for U.S. Customs.




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