Smirnoff has launched a spiked sparking seltzer line. Three initial flavors are orange mango, cranberry lime and watermelon.
They will be available nationally in November.
Smirnoff Spiked Sparkling Seltzer is 90 calories and 4.5% ABV. No artificial sweeteners are used, and the product is infused with natural sweeteners and crafted to remove gluten, the company says.
Seltzers come in 12-oz. slimline cans, 6-packs or 12-pack mixes. The suggested retail price is $8.99 for a 12-pack.
The cans feature a large “must be 21+ to purchase” callout to indicate that these are for LDA consumers only.
I would greatly appreciate knowing what is added or used to remove the gluten in your Spiked Sparkling SeltzerProduct.
What is meant by crafted to remove gluten – is this the natural brewing process, i.e. like you brew vodka?
I have Crohn’s Disease and cannot tolerate eating complex carbohydrates, i.e. bread, beer, rice, wheat; however I can tolerate hard liquor such as vodka, scotch etc.
There is a statement on the Smirnoff web site that says:
“The gluten content of this product cannot be verified, and this product may contain gluten.”
i am excited by your product but am trying to find an ingredient list. I have the impression you use artificial colors because the box says “certified colors”. How can i find out? Thank you.