Augmented Reality App Brings 19 Crimes Labels to Life

The Australian wine brand 19 Crimes will launch an augmented reality (AR) app this summer. The app brings to life the characters on the brand’s bottles.

Available now via the Apple App and Google Play stores, this first-of-its-kind app will animate three of 19 Crimes’ criminals-turned-colonists. Hovering a mobile device over the bottles will bring the character on the label to life, sharing their stories of rule breaking that sent them across the ocean to Australia. 

The AR app gives a voice to 19 Crimes Red Blend’s John O’Reilly, who recounts finding love after avoiding the hangman’s noose; the dark red blend The Banished’s James Wilson, who shares his tale of triumph after a conviction for treason; and the newest addition, 19 Crimes’ first female, Jane Castings, who admits to her crimes of thievery, and is depicted on the label of 19 Crimes’ first and newly available white wine, Hard Chard.

 “Augmented Reality is an exciting technology, giving us the unique opportunity to let these historic criminals-turned-colonists tell their own stories in a way that resonates with today’s consumer,” explains Samantha Collins, 19 Crimes Director.


  1. I have found this to be a very intriguing concept. However I have an android and can not find the app in Google play and unable to download this app from your home page or any where else. Your input would be greatly appreciated.


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