Download our 2017 Annual Technology Guide

This handy resource helps beverage alcohol retailers make the best possible decisions in 2017 when investing in technology. This is a guide worth reading and then keeping on hand as a reference tool when dealing with tech.

Which, of course, remains a key component of business in the modern era. Tech now runs your store through point-of-sale and inventory software; connects with your cus- tomers through relationship management systems and customer databases; and has become a secondary storefront through websites and apps that sell and even ship directly to consumers. The future is now for technology in retail.

This guide includes feature stories on most modern facets of retail tech, from basic to the advanced, plus what retailers should look for in finding the optimal tech-partners. Also it contains our annual tech buyer’s guide, which provides information and contacts for nearly 100 providers of critical services like POS hardware and software, customer loyalty programs, digital marketing, direct delivery, website creation and e-commerce.

Click here to download your copy of our 2017 Annual Technology Guide.


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