Brown-Forman Recognizes Distributors in ‘Road to 150’ Program

Brown-Forman announced the winners of its annual “Road to 150” program for May through December, at The Sanctuary of Kiawah Island Golf Resort on March 25.

The annual award continues to mark their distributor partners’ progress toward the company’s 150th anniversary milestone in the year 2020.

The national awards recognize one large market (Heavyweight) and one mid-sized market (Middleweight) distributor partner. These qualifications are based on business performance measures encompassing volume attainment goals, distribution criteria, market activities, and other brand-building efforts spanning the time period.

Wirtz Beverage Group of Minnesota received the Middleweight Key Imperative Award and Premier Beverage-Charmer Sunbelt Group of Florida received the Heavyweight Key Imperative Award.

For the third year running, the group of roughly 200 attendees dedicated time to give back to the local community during this celebratory trip.

The group divided into smaller groups of co-workers and distributor partners from the five divisions within Brown-Forman’s North America Region. To thank South Carolina for its hospitality, the team worked with organizations including Habitat for Humanity, Angel Oak Elementary, Green Hearts Project, Eagle Harbor Ranch and the One80 Place homeless shelter.


  1. I don’t imagine this reply make it to anyone who really cares for the so called general market (little independents and Mom & Pop Shops) all across the country, But these big distributors are forcing the Independents and Mom & Pop Shops to pay for the discount being giving to the box and grocery stores, as an example, I was in Costco with my wife, notice that Hennessy 1.75 was selling for $56.99 Friday I went to the Cash & Carry that distributes this product and was told the cost was $71.50 a bottle, asking about the $57.00 price I was told that I would never be able to get any where near that price, even if I purchased 25 Cases ($10,000.00) at $66.16. Independents cant afford to tie up $10,000.00 for one brand, one size. I under stand case discounts but this is starting to get out of hand. Some one needs to look at it before the states or ABC does. This to me is beginning to look like a monopoly in my mind.


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