The Wine & Spirit Education Trust Launches New Website

The Wine & Spirit Education Trust has launched a newly redesigned website.

Founded in 1969, the UK-based WSET has grown into the largest provider of qualifications in the field of wines and spirits. Government approved, it works with third-party providers to put on training programs around the world. Lessons develop tasting skills and product knowledge. The WSET certifies participants in levels 1-4, with 4 being the most advanced qualification.

The redone WSET website includes information on the organization’s qualifications in 19 languages and a new Knowledge Center with a range of tools and resources such as:

  • how-to-say-itpronunciation tool
  • Monthly Q&A’s with and articles by WSET graduates, students and educators on the updated blog
  • WSET’s popular 3-minute Wine School videos

“Now, if you encounter a grape variety or region whose pronunciation stumps you, you have a credible resource,” the organization said. “The blog will also feature WSET’s well-educated professionals on their key passion topics within the industry.”




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